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relentless pursuit of truth
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Signal High leadership is entirely committed to the relentless pursuit of truth – to a free and independent press, to reporting news that matters, to the belief that success is the only option. Good leadership knows the way, goes the way and shows the way. It is not a license to do less, but a responsibility to do more. We are one band, with one sound – and while the bureaucrats, dictators and politicians of the world say “Go,” our leaders says “Let’s Go!!”

Unlike “corporate authority,” most often vested in a small number of people, leadership is an essential competency – a character trait that we seek out and develop. Like most small organizations, we have a lot of work to do and very few people to do it. Many key positions are vacant, many more are “double-hatted.” Leadership means being independent, energetic, proactive, flexible, responsible, production driven and accountable – achieving that magical state: “bettersmarterfastercheaper.”

Operationally, we delegate roles and responsibilities over nine business elements:

THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE leads the company and manages, in the most general of terms, its affairs, assets, business lines, processes, and money (under the supervision of the board of directors) and is ultimately responsible for the overall state of affairs and success of the corporation as a whole.

NEWS (newsroom@signalhigh.news), a major division, is the production engine of the company – responsible for the investigation, production and publishing of news, from start to finish. Here you will find news executives (heads of print, studio and radio) as well as the editors, editors-in-chief, executive producers, journalists, production staff and newsroom.

SALES (sales@signalhigh.news), the second major division, is responsible for advertising sales, licensing and the eStore – they influence content development, outbound advertising and sponsorship, as well as customer liaison. Opportunities exist for group heads, sales representatives, licensing officials and more.

EMERGING MARKETS is a tiny but important support element of the organization, responsible for brand and market development, monitoring competition, developing capture strategies and more – the think tank for tomorrow.

OUTREACH (media@signalhigh.news) is responsible for the media desk, customer service and executive resolution functions, as well as platform moderation, social media and other public affairs strategies (e.g. community events, contests, advertising and promotion, etc). This element requires an eclectic set of skills and aptitudes, from spokespeople to service representatives, and everything in between.

TECHNOLOGY (webmaster@signalhigh.news) is responsible for our technical infrastructure, business and platform applications, systems security, internal service and helpdesk functions, telecommunications and emergency alerting. We look for technicians, technologists and engineers, as well as internet and web development specialists to fulfill this critical role.

HUMAN RESOURCES (people@signalhigh.news) organizes recruiting and onboarding initiatives, manages journalist registration and performs standard personnel management functions – they identify leadership potential. With an eye on the success of the company, this administrative element is essential to our success.

TREASURY (accounts@signalhigh.news) manages customer accounts, maintains banking arrangements, controls assets and spending, tabulates financial reports and projections, gives timely information and advice to senior management, and performs the general accounting functions of the business. This unit is staffed by accounting and clerical professionals.

SECRETARIAT (privacy@signalhigh.news) is the legal element of the company, responsible for privacy concerns, regulatory and statutory matters, litigation, corporate security, intellectual property and providing legal advice to the other elements. This element is staffed by legal and administrative professionals.

Journalism -> Make a Report, Free Press, Standards, Coverage, Guiding Principles, News Process, Code of Conduct, Concerns.
People -> History, Corporate Profile,Leadership.
Sales -> Advertising Sales, Pricing, Licensing, Ping! (eStore).
Recruiting (Current Opportunities) -> Journalist Recruitment, Journalist Registration, Sales Opportunities, Moderators/Social Media.
Working with Signal High -> What to Expect, Job Requirements, Frequently Asked Questions.
Legal -> Content Warning, Privacy Policy, Terms and Conditions of Use, Accessibility, Canada News Act, Station Identification.
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