Signal High News Corporation is committed to the relentless pursuit of truth.
We investigate and report on news that matters, everywhere. In our industry, time is of the essence and accuracy is our stock in trade. We follow a simple and straight-forward process to gather the facts quickly and present them in the best possible way, on time and on point. We strive to ensure that resources are put to the front line – our multi-talented news teams that investigate and produce quality news, programming and broadcasts. The end-to-end production of our news content is governed by our code of conduct, and other important policies and directives.
Everything starts with a report. Reports are most commonly filed online, but they can be taken directly by newsroom operators, journalists and any other member of the Signal High team. Since our systems don’t keep logs, and we do not require any identifying information, not even an e-mail address, reports can be filed in complete anonymity. Reports can include a lot of information, or very little, and all sources are protected. Completed reports are sent to the newsroom for rapid assignment.
Reports are reviewed by newsroom operators. Some basic information gathering may be done at this stage. Operators create an “assignment package” and transmit to investigative reporter(s), field production teams, etc. This entire step can take place in under ten minutes. The newsroom follows the assigned report throughout the entire process until it is “decisioned.”
Journalist(s) conduct a preliminary investigation. They strive to obtain all relevant details, evidence, context, history, perspectives, etc. They might reach out to witnesses and press the subject(s). If the article is follow-up to a developing story or a breaking news piece, they consult with the people behind the original article. When they have a solid understanding of the situation, they prepare to brief news executives for “decisioning.”
News executives are briefed and quickly “decision” the investigation. This is to say that they order further investigation, connect the proposed article to others, split the article into two or more pieces, embargo (reserve the article for later publication), go directly to publish, etc. When the news executives are satisfied that the investigation is newsworthy, it is forwarded to editing.
The news item is sent to an editor for quality control. The editor proofs the work, performs all due diligence and works with journalist(s) to refine the piece into a finished product. The approved article is then sent for production.
The approved news article is prepared for publication. It is essentially fit into the appropriate format and readied for advertising inserts, categorization, etc. This work is performed by skilled production engineers to ensure that the proper standards are met, and that any multimedia is compiled in a logical and practical way, reflecting positively on the company. This step may include the incorporation of advertising and commentary (see step six), if available at the time.
The right advertisers are selected to monetize the article. The advertising pieces are inserted at the most appropriate place(s). In some cases, this can involve major sponsorship, product placement and other initiatives. Note that articles are not placed on hold awaiting advertising inserts. In many cases, articles are sent to publish without advertising and the monetization takes place subsequent. Some articles are not monetized at all.
The final news item is propagated to our news platforms around the world. Linkages are made to other articles and, in some cases, previews are generated. Decisions as to placement, timing, rotation, etc. are normally made by the platform managers (i.e. editors-in-chief, executive producers, etc) on the recommendation of news executives. A final quality check is performed by the platform managers and advertising campaigns are established, continued or launched.
The article is opened for public discussion. Just to be clear, we do not exclude commentary that disagrees with the content our work – nor do we exclude articles that propose alternate perspectives; however, we have a legal obligation to ensure that the language used is in keeping with community standards and broadcast regulations. So moderators will censor certain words and phrases, and remove any comments that are obviously not a valid contribution to the discussion (e.g. spam, trolling, threats, etc). When an article is no longer being followed, and community participation (comments) have slowed or stopped, the article is moved into our archives, preserving all components as well as advertising (perpetual advertising). Archived articles do not expire.
We have the capability to process news in under an hour, when necessary. We have the capability to dispatch emergency broadcasts and breaking news notifications; however, when articles contains in-depth and expert analysis it can take longer. Lengthy investigations take time. While we endeavour to bring the news as it happens, reporting the facts correctly takes prescience. We would rather publish news that is correct and complete as opposed to publishing apologies after the fact because we raced for completion. If you would rather get rapid flash news, with questionable accuracy and depth, along with trailing apologies, we suggest you tune into some of the larger news conglomerates. We get it right the first time.
In keeping with regulatory framework and community expectations, we offer several avenues of recourse should you have concerns about our work. Every member of the public is welcome to use any of the escalating channels to voice their concern. All concerns are heard. Please refer to our concerns policy for additional information.