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/PG/ Anchorage, Alaska (Signal High) for PowerGames.Online —– A U.S. District Court Judge has resigned just inches away from impeachment. According to a local news report, judge Joshua Kindred resigned amid serious corruption allegations, including a trail of sexual affairs with clerks and attorneys in his office, including one who went on to become an assistant U.S. attorney, as well as twenty-three counts of conflicting interests in court cases (criminal matters) he was presiding over. Kindred initially lied to investigators; however, the resulting one-hundred plus page report, and one-thousand plus pages of exhibits, including seven hundred pages of text messages, gave overwhelming proof.

The report spoke on Kindred’s mastery of “Water Cooler Chat,” his go-to topics including the weather, his divorce, his sex life, romantic preferences, the clerks’ boyfriends and their dating lives. He also spoke about his interest in communicating with potential sex partners and his “disparaging opinions of his colleagues.”

It is not clear whether or not Kindred has read any of Bill Clinton’s books. The clerk who went on to become an assistant U.S. attorney threw Kindred a “pizza party” when he moved out of his home, commencing one of many sexual affairs the judge went on to deny. Kindred admitted to his conduct only when pressed by the Judicial Council.

U.S. District Chief Judge Sharon Gleason is the only full-time judge left on the Alaska federal bench. It is not clear where the others have gone, nor is it known whether or not Kindred was sleeping with her as well, or what she talks about when around the water cooler. One can only conclude that what happens in Alaska doesn’t always stay in Alaska.

This writer reached out to the court asking to speak with anybody who has not had sexual relations with Judge Kindred but received no response. Requests for security video also went without response. Some on social media have suggested Kindred has a positive future working as a spokesperson for Pfizer, manufacturer of Viagra.


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