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/PG/ Woodstock, Ontario [Canada] (Signal High) —– In keeping with long-standing Canadian tradition that police officers are never held accountable for their actions, Constable Eric Dopf of the Woodstock Police Service escaped incarceration today and was given instead twelve months probation for beating a handcuffed man who later died (allegedly unrelated) – a crime that would have landed a priest in prison.

Dopf pleaded guilty to assault in December, 2023, and recently summoned up some tears as he made an apology to the court. His attorney framed him a stellar police officer with a clean record, “glowing” support from superiors, and showing significant remorse. The prosecutor (known in Canada as the Crown Attorney, or Crown) did little to prevent the verdict that will leave Dopf without a criminal record and free to continue working as a police officer. Even the judge, Ontario Court Justice Craig Sigurdson, danced Dopf’s praises, saying: “He has been of good character his entire life. He has made a real difference in serving the public.”

The victim, Che Bosch, 47, was arrested by another police officer after a dangerous and out-of-control drug bust in Woodstock on Oct. 17, 2022. Bosch was the passenger in a car that had been driven across lawns and over curbs, allegedly forcing police officers to seek safety in their cruisers. Bosch had exited the vehicle, thrown a black bag over a nearby fence, walked calmly to a patch of grass and obeyed the orders of police. He was sitting in handcuffs, perfectly compliant, when Dopf arrived and assaulted him.

Dopf pulled up in an unmarked police car, ran over to Bosch, sitting handcuffed and compliant, and kicked him at least four times, and punching him at least twice. Dopf kicked him one last time for good measure, yelling at him the whole time. Dopf ran to the fence where another officer was working, then ran back and got into the wrong vehicle. Eventually, Dopf exited that vehicle and got back in his own.

Constable Eric Dopf of the Woodstock Police Service pretending to “run radar.” It would be almost believable except for the lack of traffic on the road, the filthy state of the radar gun, and the fact that it was obviously raining but Dopf lacked a rain jacket. But it looks tough and police-like. (Postmedia).

This journalist reached out to the community and found some interesting information.

Lori Bosch, sister of the late Che Bosch, denies that justice was served, saying that a member of the general public would have received a much tougher sentence. She specifically denied receiving an apology from Dopf, something Dopf claimed in court. The entire Bosch family has lost faith in police and live in fear of police.

Some who witnessed the event say Dopf was amateurish, like a television cartoon and not a real police officer. They say Dopf appeared to have completely lost control of himself. Several liken the attack to that of George Floyd and say Dopf clearly lost his composure. Most we heard from say he is not, in their estimation, fit to be a police officer and hope that police commanders cut him loose for the sake of the community. Some asked, what will he do next?

A source close to the matter, speaking on condition of anonymity, noted that Dopf wasn’t charged until November 10th – the day Bosch died. This source is firmly of the belief that the story would have been buried had Bosch not passed away.

Signal High News Corporation has reached out to the Woodstock Police with no response. If you have any material evidence in this matter, please contact us through our newsroom.


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