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Content Warning

The content published on this platform, and all platforms owned and operated by Signal High News Corporation, may depict events, experiences and perspectives that some may find disturbing. This content may not be suitable for younger audiences, even with parental consent or accompaniment. This content may act as an emotional trigger and pose a danger to those who suffer from photosensitive epilepsy.


You have the right to know the truth, and not what others would have you believe. You have to determine for yourself how much, if any, of this content to view.  You do not “fail” and are not “weak” by choosing not to view it, or by limiting what you view. Please engage in self-care and reach out for help if you feel you may need it. We are listening.

Voluntary Content Rating System

Signal High News Corporation engages in a voluntary content rating system. Every article, video and broadcast we publish has a two-letter code, or spoken warning, that alerts readers, viewers and listeners about content that may not be suitable for children and those with certain emotional or psychological sensitivities. You can find this code on the first line of the article presented in between two slashes (/), or in the preamble to radio and studio programming.

Parents are encouraged to make use of this rating system when selecting the news that their children will see; however, our guidelines are exactly that – guidelines. We respect the decision of the parent, and believe that the parent should have sole authority over what younger children read, hear and see. We suggest that parents of mature children use the news as an opportunity to raise discussion about the world, and their place in it. Even tragic news can be turned into a learning experience.

/GA/General Audience. These articles are suitable for all ages.
/PG/Parental Guidance. Contains content that a parent or guardian may wish to pre-read, filter, supervise and discuss with children and younger teens (under fourteen perhaps). Includes reports of corruption, systemic breakdowns, racism and bias in society – including reports and analysis that may cause cynicism or a questioning of faith in young persons.
/MC/Mature Content. These articles present in-depth or graphic reports of death, disasters, political and sexual situations, violence and other themes not recommended for children under sixteen years of age, without parental supervision.
/SW/Serious Warning. These articles present highly sensitive and emotionally charged subject matter that may be disturbing. They may include graphic and gory images, videos and language about war, sexual assault, violent crimes, weapons, drugs, death, torture and other depraved acts. This content is not intended for exercise extreme discretion.
/SB/Special Broadcasts. These are important systems announcements or emergency messages broadcast at the request of pertinent authorities. Please read them carefully.
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