It’s not like joining a big happy family, it’s more like joining a forward moving force. This force is comprised of many different people, from many different backgrounds, and many walks of life, scattered around the planet. Each of us have a differing perspective from the other and our voices tell a different story. We are not related, we’re not family. What unites us, what brings us together and propels us forward, is our core belief that the people have the right to know the truth. We are a force united in the relentless pursuit of truth.
You will likely find five very interesting things about us:
- We are a decentralized, distributed workforce. Most of us work from home, on the road or while travelling around the world. We rely heavily on technology and provide decent infrastructure and reliable tools to carry out our work. So you will likely build friendships with people you have never met.
- In the news business, timing is everything – and this is where hard work comes in. Hard work, communication, coordination and common cause. At the end of the day, we have to get the job done and done right. Otherwise we are little more than mainstream media.
- Everything goes to support the front. We are designed that way. We have an ultra-flat structure, a streamlined publishing process and even our top executives are active in the day-to-day. Decisioning authority rests as close to that front line as possible.
- You will likely get more out of this than you put in. For every unit of work, you will receive two units of recognition, a unit or two of respect, a couple units of appreciation, a unit of adoration for the team and a unit of compensation. Whether you work four hours a month or forty hours a week, your hard work will pay off in many ways.
- We are transparent. There is no mystery. There are no hidden echelons, silos or structures behind what we do. We relentlessly pursue truth. We monetize by helping our clients choose the best possible ways of announcing their brands, products and services. When they do well, we do well. We negotiate fair and equitable license for our intellectual property. We both prosper. It’s honest business.
Different? Yes. Truthful? Absolutely. Something to be proud of? We believe so.
Signal High News Corporation is a great place to be, a great force to join.